URL: http://lafayette.parameterid.com/index.php/fuseaction/courses.geotechnical
CEE 242 Geotechnical Engineering

Course Description:

The principles related to analysis and evaluation of earthen infrastructure. Site characterization and in-situ testing of soils. Advanced stress-strain behavior, failure theories and stress path application. Stability of earthen structures; slopes, dams and levees. Stability of retaining structures; lateral earth pressures. Introduction to shallow foundations; bearing capacity and settlement. Prerequisites: CEE 142.

Text book: References:
Location and Hours:
Lecture: RBC 241, MW 12:10 pm - 1:25 pm, (ZOOM Link: Link)

TA: Jack Lambert (jgl625@lehigh.edu),
Office Hrs: M&W 6-7pm FR232

Syllabus | Handouts | Assignments | Project | Links