Site Map | |
Here is a simple map of our site:
|- Home | Home page. | |
|- Courses | ||
||- Eng. Tech.ENGR-005 | Intro. to Eng. Practice. | |
||- Statics-003 | Statics. | |
||- Surveying-011 | Surveying in CEE | |
||- Probability & Stat-012 | Engineering Probability and Statistics | |
||- Numerical Met-117 | Numerical Methods in CE. | |
||- Fluid Mechanics-122 | Fluid Mechanics. | |
||- Soil Mech-142 | Soil Mechanics. | |
||- Structures I-159 | Structural Analysis I. | |
||- Eng. Economics-202 | Engineering Economics | |
||- Transportation Eng-207 | Transportation Engineering | |
||- Geotechnical Eng-242 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
||- Construction Mgmt-266 | Construction Management | |
||- Groundwater Hyd.-323 | Groundwater Hydrology | |
||- Ground Improvement-341 | Ground Improvement | |
||- Geoenvironmenal Eng.-345 | Geoenvironmental Engineering | |
||- Foundation Eng.-347 | Foundation Eng. & Design. | |
||- Adv Proj Mgmt-364 | Advanced Project Management | |
||- Computational Methods | Computational Methods in CE. | |
||- Retaining Walls/Slopes | Retaining Walls & Slopes | |
||- Sustainability.. | Sustainability of Built Systems. | |
||- Eng. Math-1 | Engineering Mathematics I. | |
||- Materials Eng. | Engineering Materials. | |
||- Senior Project | Senior Project. | |
||- Perf. Const. Facilities | Performance Evaluation of Constructed Facilities. | |
|`- Pre-Calculus | Pre-calculus. | |
|- Research | ||
||- Introduction | Current Research Activities. | |
||- Team | Research Team and Collaborators. | |
||- Publications | List of Publications. | |
||- Porous Media | Flow in deformable porous media | |
|||- Coupled Flow | Transient coupled flow in porous media. | |
|||- Unsaturated Flow | Unsataturated flow modeling in centrifuge. | |
|||- NMR Imaging | NMR imaging of Hydrocarbon contaminated porous media. | |
||`- Electrokinetics | Electrochemical Decontamination. | |
||- Health Monitoring | Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring | |
|`- Sensor Development | Chemical sensor development. | |
|- Facilities | Research Facilities/Equipment. | |
||- Geotechnical Lab | Getoechnical Laboratory at Widener. | |
|`- Other | Other. | |
|- Personal | ||
||- Aikido | Kinokawa Aikido. | |
|`- Pictures | Picture album. | |
|- Contact | My contact information. | |
|- Links | Links to related information. | |
|- Site Map | An outline of our site. | |
`- Search | Keywork search on our site. |