Mesut Pervizpour

CEE-364 Advanced Project Management

Course Description:

Interrelations of planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning. Project life cycle cost analysis. Cost estimating and financial management principles. Economic feasibility studies. Advanced construction methods and construction contracting. Prerequisites: CEE 266.

Text book:
  • Construction Management Fundamentals, 2nd Ed.
    by K. Knutson, C.J. Schexnayder, C.M. Fiori, R.E. Mayom, McGraw Hill, ISBN# 978-0-07-340104-1
Location and Hours:
Lecture: FR232 T/R, 10:45am-12:00pm, (ZOOM ONLINE LECTURE: Link)

TA: Callum Grealy (,
Office Hrs: M 1:30-2:30pm, T 12:30-1:30pm FR225

Syllabus | Handouts | Assignments | Project | Site Visits | Links

Course Syllabus in pdf Engineering Economics Syllabus

  1. Attendance At Lectures And Recitation Is Required. Attendance will be taken every class and section 3 notices will be issued for missing class or coursework. Make-up privileges for missed examinations are based on documented reasons for absence. In general, the opportunity for make-up is granted only when there are extenuating circumstances.
  2. Academic integrity. It has been my experience in the past that when students study in groups, and communicate they perform better. However, please note that your submitted work for this course should be conducted individually. Academic Integrity is expected from all students in all matters related to this course. In particular, a student assumes responsibility for every assignment, project or exam that he/she submits. University Code of Conduct:
  3. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Lehigh University is committed to maintaining an equitable and inclusive community and welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational programs. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, a student with a disability must contact Disability Support Services (DSS), provide documentation, and participate in an interactive review process. If the documentation supports a request for reasonable accommodations, DSS will provide students with a Letter of Accommodations. Students who are approved for accommodations at Lehigh should share this letter and discuss their accommodations and learning needs with instructors as early in the semester as possible. For more information or to request services, please contact Disability Support Services in person in Williams Hall, Suite 301, via phone at 610-758-4152, via email at, or online at
  4. Lehigh University Policy on Harassment and Non-Discrimination: Lehigh University upholds The Principles of Our Equitable Community and is committed to providing an educational, working, co-curricular, social, and living environment for all students, staff, faculty, trustees, contract workers, and visitors that is free from harassment and discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital or familial status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Such harassment or discrimination is unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. The University strongly encourages (and, depending upon the circumstances, may require) students, faculty, staff or visitors who experience or witness harassment or discrimination, or have information about harassment or discrimination in University programs or activities, to immediately report such conduct.
  5. Assignments:
    • Homework is due at the beginning of class on the specified day. Late submissions will be penalized by 10%. Homework solutions will be posted 24 hours after they are due, and no solutions will be accepted after they are posted.
    • There will be in class quizzes. A course project will be assigned where work will be carried out continually during the semester. A final report and presentation is required.
    • Homework solutions should conform to the standards of good engineering practice:
      - Work should be done on one side of the paper and organized well.
      - Each problem should be clearly labeled on numbered pages.
      - Work should be done in pencil.
      - Your name and assignment number should appear on each page.
      - Work should be organized and presented neatly. Assumptions should be clearly stated, units should be noted on answers and key intermediate results, and answers should be clearly identified.

      Homework points will be deducted if any the preceding requirements are not followed.
Midterm Exams
Homework/Inst. Eval.
Final Exam


  1. Review
    • Building systems, materials, and methods
    • Construction process and participants
    • Delivery methods, payment schemes & award methods
    • Contract documents, drawings, specifications, other
    • Deterministic scheduling
    • Cost estimation, budgeting, contractor cash flow
  2. Remaining Topics
    • Earthwork estimation
    • Resource allocation
  3. Uncertainty and Risk
    • Risk management planning
    • Accuracy of costs and probabilistic estimation
    • Scheduling (PERT and Monte Carlo)
    • Contingency and Allocation and Critical Chain Management
    • Project Financing and Resources
  4. AI Use for Project Management
    • AI Tools
    • Application to management of charter, scope, schedue, cost and resources
  5. Project Monitoring and Control
    • Earned Value Analysis (EVA)
    • Site layout and Logistics
    • Quality Assurance and Quality Control
    • Project safety
  6. Project Closeout
    • Punch list and inspections
    • Review, audits and changes
    • Claims, disputes amd resolution
    • Substantial completion and closure
  7. Trends
    • Global Construction Market
    • Multi-project management
  8. Project Presentations