CEE-003 Statics |
Course Description:
Vector algebra. Concurrent force systems and equilibrium of a particle. General force systems and equilibrium of a rigid body. Elements of structural analysis. Shear and bending moment diagrams. Centroids, hydrostatic forces, and moments of inertia. Friction. Prerequisite: . Corequisite: .
Text book: Vector Mechanics for Engineers (Statics), 7th edition, Beer, Johnston & Eisenberg, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Location and Hours:
Syllabus | | Handouts | | Assignments | | Sample Exams | | Links |
Course Syllabus in pdf

- Course Objectives (at course completion students will be able to):
- Perform vector addition and multiplication
- Determine moments about points and axes
- Identify and calculate moments of couples
- Solve equilibrium problems of particles and rigid bodies
- Determine centroids
- Analyze distributed loads
- Analyze trusses, frames, and machines
- Prepare shear and bending moment diagrams
- Calculate moments of inertia
- Calculate static and dynamic friction
- During the semester, 3 one-hour midterm tests will be given. The student MUST take all three tests. Basically NO make-ups are granted unless absence from a test is justified with proper documentation. All tests will be based on the material covered up to the date of test. Unless otherwise instructed, closed-book tests should be expected. Any grade review you see justified should be brought to my attention within the first week of receiving the grade.
- Homework will be assigned. There will be in class unannounced quizzes. No late homework will be accepted regardless of reason. However you will be allowed to drop your two lowest homework grades. Homework assignments will include hand solution and computer usage (in terms of matlab and excel) for this course.
- It has been my experience in the past that when students study in groups, and communicate and share resources, they seem to perform better. Obviously, this is a generalization and I am sure there are many exceptions. However, please keep this in mind and take advantage of study groups whenever you can. However, the submitted work (homework, quiz, examinations) should be the original work of the individual.
Three Mid-term tests Homework Final Examination | 60% 10% 30% |
Total: | 100% |
Introduction to Particle Statics
- Introduction
- Vectors and forces
- Rectangular components
- Particle Equilibrium (2D)
- Forces (3D)
- Particle equilibrium (3D)
Rigid Bodies and Their Equilibrium
- Vector product - moment about a point
- Scalar product - Moment about an axis
- Couples
- Equivalent systems
- Rigid body equilibrium (2D)
- Two and three force bodies
- Rigid body equilibrium (3D)
Distributed Forces and Centroids
- Centroids (2D)
- Centroids (2D) by integration
- Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus
- Distributed Loads
- Trusses - Methods of joints
- Trusses - Methods of sections
- Frames and machines
Forces in Beams, Moments of Inertia and Friction
- Shear and bending moment diagrams
- Moment of inertia
- Friction