VAST 203 - Sustainability of Built Systems-UGrad |
Course Description:
In this course we take a cross-disciplinary approach to explore the concept of sustainability and
its application to built or engineered systems - e.g., a transportation network, a water supply
and distribution system, an energy production and delivery system, etc.
Textbook: No required texts; readings provided as needed as exerpts from books, articles, and other sources. This is a seminar/discussion-based class - thus you are encouraged to bring additional news, articles, observations, commentary to class that relates to sustainability of built systems.
Location and Hours: Tuesday & Thursdays,
Sec.01: 8:00-9:15am, AEC 325, WA: Shannon Noll (nolls@)
Sec.02 11:00-12:15pm, AEC 325, WA: Matthew Warrener (warrenem@)
Syllabus | | Handouts | | Assignments | | Term Projects | | Links |
Course Syllabus in pdf

- This is a seminar/discussion-based class, please come prepared with your readings and material to each class.
- Homework will be assigned and collected at the posted due dates. There will be in class unannounced quizzes. A term project (details will be provided during the term) will be assigned where individual analysis and work will be submitted in a report format.
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Please see your copy of syllabi for details.
Class Attendance, participation & Leadership Homework and in-class assignments Writing Assignments Semseter Project | 20% 20% 30% 30% |
Total: | 100% |