Mesut Pervizpour

CEE 207 Transportation Engineering

Course Description:

Principles of the design of transportation facilities with emphasis on highways and airports in the areas of geometric, drainage, and pavement design. Design problems. Prerequisites: CEE 11.

Text book:
  • Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering: A Multimodal Systems Approach, 7th Ed. by Jon D. Fricker and Roberk K. Whitford, 2019.
Location and Hours:
Lecture: FR232, T-R 1:35 pm - 2:50 pm, (ZOOM Link: Link)

TA: Iman Dabbaghchian (,
Office Hrs: M 2-3pm, W 12-1pm ZOOM

Syllabus | Handouts | Assignments | Project | Links

Course Syllabus in pdf soil mechanics syllabus

  1. Attendance is mandatory..
    • Section III reports will be issued (see PDF Syllabus for details)
  2. Examinations: Unannounced quizzes will be conducted regularly. The course has midterm exams after completion of every topic, and a comprehensive final exam. No makeup midterm and final examination will be given.
  3. Academic integrity. It has been my experience in the past that when students study in groups, and communicate they perform better. Obviously, this is a generalization and I am sure there are many exceptions. However, please note that your submitted work for this course should be conducted individually. Academic Integrity is expected from all students in all matters related to this course. In particular, a student assumes responsibility for every assignment, project or exam that he/she submits. University Code of Conduct:
  4. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Lehigh University is committed to maintaining an equitable and inclusive community and welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational programs. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, a student with a disability must contact Disability Support Services (DSS), provide documentation, and participate in an interactive review process. If the documentation supports a request for reasonable accommodations, DSS will provide students with a Letter of Accommodations. Students who are approved for accommodations at Lehigh should share this letter and discuss their accommodations and learning needs with instructors as early in the semester as possible. For more information or to request services, please contact Disability Support Services in person in Williams Hall, Suite 301, via phone at 610-758-4152, via email at, or online at
  5. Lehigh University Policy on Harassment and Non-Discrimination: Lehigh University upholds The Principles of Our Equitable Community and is committed to providing an educational, working, co-curricular, social, and living environment for all students, staff, faculty, trustees, contract workers, and visitors that is free from harassment and discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital or familial status, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Such harassment or discrimination is unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. The University strongly encourages (and, depending upon the circumstances, may require) students, faculty, staff or visitors who experience or witness harassment or discrimination, or have information about harassment or discrimination in University programs or activities, to immediately report such conduct.
Mid-term test averages
Course Project
Final Exam
In Lecture Work


  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Traffic flow characteristics and models
  3. Highway Design and Performance: LOS/Queueing, (HCM)
  4. Travel Demand Modeling
  5. Human Factors, Vehicle Attributes, Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
  6. Geometric Design (Green Book)
  7. Safety (HSIP, HSM,STIP)
  8. Pedestrians, Traffic Calming, and Bikes
  9. Intersection Design
  10. Pavement Design
  11. Transit and other modes