CEE-347 Foundation Engineering and Design |
Course Description:
Application of theories and principles of soil mechanics to geotechnical and structural foundation design. In-situ testing, subsurface exploration and soil sampling. Bearing capacity, settlement, lateral earth pressure principles. Design of shallow foundations: spread footings, beams on elastic foundations, mat foundations. Introduction to retaining walls: mechanically stabilized earth, concrete and sheet pile walls, walls for excavations. Design of deep foundations: single piles, pile foundations, drilled piers and caissons. Prerequisite: CEE 242.
Text book:Principles of Foundation Engineering, Thomson 7th ed., DAS
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, Das.
Foundation Design, Principles and Practices, Coduto
Foundation Analysis and Design, Bowles
Foundation Engineering Handbook, Fang
Location and Hours: M,W
Syllabus | | Handouts | | Assignments | | Sample Projects | | Links |
Course Syllabus in pdf

- During the semester, 2 one-hour tests will be given. The student MUST take both tests. Basically NO make-ups are granted unless absence from a test is justified with proper documentation. All tests will be based on the material covered up to the date of test. Unless otherwise instructed, closed-book tests should be expected. Any grade review you see justified should be brought to my attention within the first week of receiving the grade.
- Homework will be assigned and specified either as "suggested" or "to be collected" at that time. There will be in class unannounced quizzes. A design problem will be assigned where individual analysis and work will be submitted in a report format.
- It has been my experience in the past that when students study in groups, and communicate and share resources, they seem to perform better. Obviously, this is a generalization and I am sure there are many exceptions. However, please keep this in mind and take advantage of study groups whenever you can.
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Please see your copy of syllabi for details.
Mid-term test average Homework/Quizzes/Design Project Final Examination | 40% 20% 40% |
Total: | 100% |
Introduction to Foundation Engineering and Performance Requriements
- Foundation engineering and building codes
- Design loads and requirements
Site Explodation and Characterization
- Destructive methods
- Non-destructive methods
- Getoechnical
- Bearing pressure
- Bearing capacity
- Settlement
- Structural
- Reinforced concrete: One-way & Two-way shear, flexure, development lengths, other.
- Design of: Square, continuous, rectangular footings
- Combined footing design
- Introduction to Mat design
- Intro to LRFD in Geotechnical Eng & Shallow Foundation Design
FIRST EXAM | October 10 |
Lateral Earth Pressure and Earth Retaining Structures
- Types
- Lateral earth pressure theories (Rankine, Coulomb, Cullman, other)
- Cantilever retaining walls (Geotechnical and Reinforced Concrete)
- Sheet pile walls (Cantilever and Anchored)
- Braced Cut (Earth pressures, and steel components)
SECOND EXAM | November 14 |
MSE Walls