Mesut Pervizpour



Teaching Assoc. Prof.
Fritz Lab. 401A
Civil & Envir. Eng. Dept.
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Phone: (610) 758-2137
Email: My Address

My ResumeCurriculum Vitae
Office Hours:
T-R 8:30-9:15AM
or by App.

Positions | Education | Interest | Publications | Service/Awards | Student

Teaching and Research Interests
    Research Interests:
  • Physical, mathematical & numerical modeling of Geotechnical Eng. Problems,
  • Parameter/System identification by utilizing optimization methods to integrated physical-mathematical-numerical modeling of problems,
  • Development of new sensing, measurement & non-destructive experimental methods for characterization of soil & transport processes in soil,
  • Advanced material characterization for ground modification,
  • Infrastructure health monitoring, & utilization of real-time monitoring approach to Geotechnical Engineering problems,
  • Integrated engineering and new information technology utilization for networked & distributed experimental components, remote real-time & security monitoring.

    Teaching Interests:
  • Undergraduate: Material Science & Engineering,
    Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering, Groundwater Hydrology,
    Math Methods for Engineering, Numerical Methods,
    Geoenvironmental Engineering, Project Management,
    Computer Programming & Eng. Computational Methods
  • Graduate: Advanced Soil Mechanics, Adv. Foundation Eng.,
    Soil Behavior, Soil Stabilization, Experimental Geotech. Eng.,
    Geoenvironmental Engineering, Ground Improvement
    Soil Dynamics, Introduction to Geophysics,
    Adv. Numerical Methods and Prog. (FE, FD & Optimization),
    Soil Irreversible Processes and Thermodynamics.