Mesut Pervizpour



Teaching Assoc. Prof.
Fritz Lab. 401A
Civil & Envir. Eng. Dept.
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Phone: (610) 758-2137
Email: My Address

My ResumeCurriculum Vitae
Office Hours:
T-R 8:30-9:15AM
or by App.

Positions | Education | Interest | Publications | Service/Awards | Student

List of Publications

Book Chapters
  • "Introduction and Overview of Underground Sensing for Sustainable Response," (With S. Pamukcu and Liang Cheng), Chapter 1 in Undeground Sensing Monitoring and Hazard Detection for Environment and Infrastructure, 1st Edition, (Edited by S. Pamukcu and L. Cheng), Elsevier, October 22, 2017 (pp. 1-28), ISBN: 9780128031391.
    Refereed Journal Publications

  • Abongo, K., Gu, J., Pervizpour, M., Quiel, S., and Pamukcu, S., (2022), "Parametric lab-scale testing and numerical simulation of finned monopiles under directional loading," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 259, 111871.

  • Cui, Q., Pamukcu, S., Xiao, W., and Pervizpour, M., (2015), "Impact Wave Monitoring in Sand Using Truly Distributed Dynamic Fiber Sensor Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering," Sensors, 2015, 15(4), 8163-8172; doi:10.3390/s150408163.

  • Ghzanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., Pervizpour, M., and Karpyn, Z., (2014), "Investigation of Generalized Relative Permeability Coefficients for Electrically Assisted Oil Recovery in Oil Formations," Journal of Transport in Porous Media, (2014): 1-19, DOI 10.1007/s11242-014-0368-6.

  • Cui, Q., Pamukcu, S., Xiao, W. and Pervizpour, M. (2011), "Truly Distributed Fiber Vibration Sensor Using Pulse Base BOTDA with Wide Dynamic Range," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 3:24,1887-1889, 2011.doi:10.1109/LPT.2011.217096.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (2011), "Characterization of a surrogate swelling polymer as a functional sensor for distributed liquid sensing", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 168(2), Elsevier, pp. 242-252, DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2011.04.026.

  • Cui, Q., Pamukcu, S., Lin, A., Xiao, W., Herr, D., Toulouse, J., and Pervizpour, M. (2011), "Distributed Temperature Sensing System Based on Rayleigh Scattering BOTDA", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 399-403, doi:10.1109/JSEN.2010.2066558.

  • Cui, Q, Pamukcu, S., Xiao, W., Guintrand, C., Toulouse, J., and Pervizpour, M. (2009), "Distributed fiber sensor based on modulated pulse base reflection and Brillouin gain spectrum analysis", Applied Optics, Vol. 48 (30), pp. 5823-5828,

  • Pervizpour, M., Pamukcu, S. and Moo-Young, H. (April 1999), "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Porous Media", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Special Issue: "Imaging Technologies in Civil Engineering", ASCE, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 96-103, doi:

    Refereed Conference Publications

  • Ghazanfari, E., Pervizpour, M., and Pamukcu, S., (2011), "Mathematical Modeling of Electrically Assisted Hydrocarbon Transport in Porous Media", Geo-Congress 2012, State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, March 25-29, Oakland, CA,

  • Medina, C.I., Pervizpour, M., and Pamukcu, S., (2011), "Temperature Dependent Dynamic Properties of Oily Clay", Geo-Congress 2012, State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, March 25-29 , Oakland, CA,

  • Lin, H., Cui, Q., Pervizpour, M., Pamukcu, S., and Mentzer, M.A., (2011), "Truly Distributed Measurement of Impact Strains in Clay by Use of Embedded BOTDA/R Fiber Optic Sensors", Geo-Congress 2012, State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, March 25-29, Oakland, CA,

  • Anastasio, S., Pamukcu S., and Pervizpour, M., (2007), "BOTDR Detection of Chemical and Liquid Content", 7th FMGM Int. Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, ASCE, Sept 24-27, 2007, Boston, MA, pp. 1-12,

  • McElroy, M. Jr., Pervizpour, M., and Pamukcu, S. (2007), "Three Dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Stacked Geotextile Tubes for Embankment Stabilization," Proceedings of 11th Int. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Environmental Eng. Computing, B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland, , ISBN 978-1-905088-15-7.

  • Anastasio, S., Pamukcu S., and Pervizpour, M., (2007), "Chemical Selective BOTDR Sensing for Corrosion Detection on Structural Systems", Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2007), Stanford, CA, 1701-1708, ISBN -13: 978-1-932-07871-8.

  • Catbas, F.N., Pervizpour, M., Grimmelsman, K.A. and Aktan, A.E., (2003), "The Health Monitoring Paradigm for Infrastructure Systems", Proceedings of the Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring and Diagnostics of Bridge Infrastructure, held in University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, March 7-8, 2003.

  • Aktan, A.E., Catbas, N., Grimmelsman, K., Pervizpour, M., Curtis J., Shen, K., and Qin. X., (2002), "A Theory of Health Monitoring for Highway Bridges", July 14-17, 2002, Barcelona, Spain, First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2002.Page II-8

  • Aktan, A.E., Pervizpour, M., Catbas, N., Grimmelsman, K., Barrish, R., Curtis J., and Qin. X., (2001), "Information Technology Research For Health Monitoring Of Bridge Systems", July 4-6, 2001, London, UK. Structural Faults & Repair 2001 Conference.

  • Pervizpour, M., Curtis, J., Qin, X. and Aktan, A.E., (2001), "Data Processing and Quality Assurance in Health Monitoring of Constructed Systems", Paper presented at SPIE' s 6th International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, 4-8 March, 2001, and to be published in the SPIE Conference Proceedings, Newport Beach.

  • Ciloglu, K., Catbas, F.N., Pervizpour, M., Wang, A. and Aktan, A.E., (2001), "Structural Identification of Phenomenological Physical Models With Controlled Mechanisms of Uncertainty", Paper presented at SPIE' s 6th International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, 4-8 March-2001, and to be published in the SPIE Conference Proceedings, Newport Beach.

  • Aktan, A.E., Pervizpour, M., Catbas, F.N., Barrish, R., Grimmelsman, K., Qin, X., (2000), "Integrated Field, Theoretical and Laboratory Research for Solving Large Systems Identification Problems", Keynote Address invited for presentation and published in the Proceedings of Advances in Structural Dynamics Conference, Hong Kong, Dec. 2000.

  • Aktan, A.E., Catbas, F.N., Pervizpour, M., Kulcu, E., Grimmelsman, K., Barrish, R. and Qin, X., (2000), "Real-Time Bridge Health-Monitoring for Management", Paper invited for presentation and published in the Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, DPRI, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan, July 11-13, 2000.

  • Aktan, A.E., Catbas, F.N., Pervizpour, M., Barrish, R., Grimmelsman K., (2000), "Field, Theoretical and Laboratory Research for Systems Identification of Civil Infrastructure Systems", Advances in Civil Engineering IV, International Congress 1-2 November 2000, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus.

  • von Haza-Radlitz, G., Ciloglu, K., Pervizpour, M., Barrish, R., Grimmelsman, K., Catbas, F. N. and Aktan, A.E., "Information Technology Issues In Fleet Health Monitoring", Paper Invited for Workshop on Present and Future of Health Monitoring, Bauhaus University, Weimar, Sep. 2000, Proceedings, pp: 173-190, Aedificatio Publishers, D-79104 Freiburg, 2000.

  • Qin, X., Aktan, A.E., Grimmelsman, K., Catbas, F.N., Barrish, R., Pervizpour, M., Kulcu, E., (2000), "Distributed Internet-Based Multi-Agent Intelligent Infrastructure system", NIST Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD August 14-16, 2000.

  • Pervizpour, M., Pamukcu, S. (June 1999), "Prediction of Phenomenological Coefficients of Coupled Flow at Transient State", Proceedings of 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, The John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MA, (on CD).

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (1995), "Effect of Thermal Gradient on Soil-Water System", Proceedings of 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Technomic Pub., Vol. 27, pp. 743 - 753.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (1995), "Coefficient of Consolidation Under Thermal Potential", Geoenvironment 2000, Proceedings of a Specialty Conference Sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Engineering Division, ASCE, pp. 242-255.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (1994), "Application of Non-destructive Conduction Testing for Constant Thermal Gradient in Porous Medium", Proceedings of 8th International Conference of the Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG, Balkema, Vol. 2, pp. 1775 - 1780.
  • Pervizpour, M. and Lyons, J. (1994), "A Multidisciplinary Overview on Mine Tailing Impoundment Approach", Proceedings of Third International conference on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production.

    Refereed Research Reports
  • Pamukcu, S., Naito, C., and Pervizpour, M. "Distributed Fiber-optic Sensing and Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Response of Manufactured Clay: PHASE III: Bread Board and Technology Transfer," Report Submitted to Department of Defense, DOD Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen, MD 21005, June 15,2011.

  • Pamukcu, S., Naito, C., and Pervizpour, M. "Distributed Fiber-optic Sensing and Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Response of Manufactured Clay: PHASE II: Software Model and Bread Board," Report Submitted to Department of Defense, DOD Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen, MD 21005, November 1, 2011.

  • Pamukcu, S., Naito, C., and Pervizpour, M. "Distributed Fiber-optic Sensing and Numerical Simulation of Shock Wave Response of Manufactured Clay: PHASE I: Software Model," Report Submitted to Department of Defense, DOD Aberdeen Test Center, Aberdeen, MD 21005, June 15,2010.

  • "A Model Health Monitoring Guide For Major Bridges," Report Submitted to Federal Highway Administration FHWA, DOT/FHWA Solicitation: DTFH61-01-Q-00072, September 2002.

  • "Electroosmotically Aided Restoration of TCE Contaminated Soil," Final Report to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Environmental Restoration Division, Contract No.B3450123, University of California, Livermore Ca. November 1998.

    Contract Reports
  • "Multi-Regional Reactive Transport Due to Strong Anisotropy in Unsaturated Soils with Evolving Scales of Heterogeneity," Report Submitted to Department of Energy, DOE Solicitation: DE-FG07-02ER63512, June 2004.

  • "Electrochemical Extraction of Cynaide and Fluoride from Conductive Porous Media," Report to EPI, Wayne, Pa, March 1998.

  • "Electroosmotic Aided NAPL Remediation of Contaminated Soil: Stanford Linear Accelerator Site," Final Reprot to Weiss Associates, Emeryville Ca. November 1997.

  • "Elektrokinetic Treatment Study of TCE Contaminated Porous Media," Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park Ca. August 1997.

  • "System Application to Non-destructive Study of Coupled Flow in Porous Media", Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Lehigh University, January 2000.

  • Anastasio, S., Pamukcu, S., and Pervizpour, M., (2007), "BOTDR for Detection of Chemical and Liquid Content", Paper presented at ASCE 7th FMGM's 2007 International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechancis, September 24-27, 2007, and published in the ASCE Conference Proceedings, Boston, MA.

  • Pervizpour, M., (for Comfort, L.K.), (2001), "Information Management for Complex Dynamic Systems, Paper presented at SPIE's 6th International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, 4-8 march, 2001, and published in the SPIE Conference Proceedings, Newport Beach.

  • Pervizpour, M., Pamukcu, S. (June 13-16, 1999), "Prediction of Phenomenological Coefficients of Coupled Flow at Transient State", Proceedings of 13th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Baltimore.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (July 9-12, 1995), "Effect of Thermal Gradient on Soil-Water System", Proceedings of 27th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu S. (May 22-28, 1994), "Application of Non-destructive Conduction Testing For Constant Thermal Gradient in Porous Medium", Proceedings of 8th International Conference of the Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Morgantown, West Virginia.

  • Pervizpour, M. and Pamukcu, S. (August 23-28, 1993), "The Effect of Thermally Influenced Volume Change on Transport Phenomenon in Saturated Porous Medium", The 24th Annual Meeting of The Fine Particle Society and First International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, Chicago, Illinois.